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1 Bob Levin  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 12:33:15pm

It's becoming a daily treat.

2 Destro  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 12:38:00pm

A) columnist Gideon Levy is himself an Israeli. For an American who is not Israeli calling an Israeli who is in fact an Israeli and lives in Israeli and writes for an Israeli major newspaper and served in the IDF is bizarre. It reminds me of people calling Obama anti-American because he holds views different from them.

B) Columnist Gideon Levy examined and interpreted for his column a survey of personal held views of Israelis which seemed to support apartheid like policies if there was any sort of one state solution and did not claim Israel was currently an official apartheid state or was initiated an apartheid regime.

Here are the words of the Israeli who commissioned the report:

Hebrew University professor Amiram Goldblum, widower of Yisraela Goldblum, was instrumental in commissioning the survey. Among those who set the questions were Mordechai Bar-On (a former chief of education in the IDF), Ilan Baruch (ambassador to South Africa 2004-8), Dr Alon Liel (former ambassador and head of Foreign Ministry), and human rights lawyer Michael Sfard.

Asked about the results, Professor Goldblum said: “The bad surprises are the ‘Meir Kahane’ trends: 33 per cent in favour of blocking Israeli Arab citizens from voting, 47 per cent in favour of partial transfer of Arabs to the Palestinian authority, 59 per cent for preference in government against Arabs, 49 per cent in favour of preferred treatment of Jews in all aspects of the state. Terrible. I did not realise how much this unJewish monster has grown”.


All these distinguished people are anti-Israelis also? I bet to you they are.

3 sliv_the_eli  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 12:48:08pm

re: #2 Destro

Still trying to defend Levy's approach to the world, I see. Not surprised. Kindred spirits when it comes to ignoring or misrepresenting the facts when they do not support your world view.

For example, I note that your post does not actually address the substance of the posted news story or what the facts reveal about Levy's intellectual, and general, dishonesty on the subject.

4 Bob Levin  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 12:48:32pm

re: #2 Destro

How about calling Levy disingenuous? Better?

5 Sheila Broflovski  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 12:51:27pm

לא להאכיל את הטרולים

6 sliv_the_eli  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 12:53:14pm

re: #5 Sheila Broflovski

לא להאכיל את הטרולים

לפעמים זה כיף.

7 Bob Levin  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 12:53:21pm

re: #5 Sheila Broflovski

Time to cook.

8 Destro  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 1:12:17pm

re: #3 sliv_the_eli

Still trying to defend Levy's approach to the world, I see. Not surprised. Kindred spirits when it comes to ignoring or misrepresenting the facts when they do not support your world view.

For example, I note that your post does not actually address the substance of the posted news story or what the facts reveal about Levy's intellectual, and general, dishonesty on the subject.

I actually said the critics of Levy's thesis MADE SOME GOOD points against his spin of the survey. Why do let your emotions cloud your views?

9 Destro  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 1:17:20pm

re: #5 Sheila Broflovski

re: #6 sliv_the_eli

re: #4 Bob Levin

You do know I can read Hebrew, right?

And no I don't live under a bridge. And shame on you Sheila, when you know full well I agreed you made made a valid criticim countering Levy's spin of the survey in question? I expect you to be passionate but not שקרנים.

And your dishonesty goes to downding me even if I agree with the point you made as in:

re: #17 Sheila Broflovski

That was some pretty good fisking. Fisking get's a bad rap but I like it when it is well done.


In other words, her fisking (point by point refutation) was well done and cogent.

But when your partisan hacks like you are that is not enough. מחפיר

10 sliv_the_eli  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 1:39:05pm

re: #8 Destro

Pot, meet kettle.

11 Destro  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 1:43:00pm

re: #10 sliv_the_eli

Pot, meet kettle.

What about Hebrew University professor Amiram Goldblum's claims about the survey? Is he an 'אנטי ישראלי' also?

12 sliv_the_eli  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 1:46:09pm

re: #9 Destro

re: #6 sliv_the_eli

re: #4 Bob Levin

You do know I can read Hebrew, right?

Frankly, the Hebrew used in your post is more suggestive of a basic ability to use Google Translate or similar program without being aware that the translation it gives you is not grammatically correct.

In other words, her fisking (point by point refutation) was well done and cogent.

Which is why I do not feel the necessity to repeat the process. We are not shampooing here.

But when your partisan hacks like you are that is not enough

Thanks for the laugh. I am always amused when partisan hacks accuse me of the same. Now, if only you would: (1) admit that Levy simply lied about what the survey results actually showed; and (2) address the fact that the apartheid smear has no basis in truth when it is leveled against Israel, as evidenced by, among much other information posted by myself and others on this forum, the article above.

13 sliv_the_eli  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 1:47:59pm

re: #11 Destro

What about Hebrew University professor Amiram Goldblum's claims about the survey? Is he an 'אנטי ישראלי' also?

I do not know, which is why I would not level such an accusation against him. The same cannot be true of Mr. Levy, with whose body of work I am very familiar and who has earned the label.

14 researchok  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 2:33:11pm

re: #2 Destro

I noticed you came back to downding.

OK by me.

We can start over whenever you like

You ignore me, I ignore you

15 BishopX  Fri, Oct 26, 2012 3:45:23pm

Down ding just for the phrase "anti-Israeli Israeli" other than that good page.

16 Flavia  Sat, Oct 27, 2012 5:05:34pm

More Israeli apartheid in action. Also religious bigotry:


17 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 28, 2012 12:21:30am

re: #5 Sheila Broflovski

לא להאכיל את הטרולים

לצחוק בקול רם

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